Trending Home Improvements for 2020

In 2020, people are still looking to do home improvements. In fact, there may have never been a better time to improve the overall quality of your home than now. Below, we are going to break down some of the top trending home improvements for 2020.

1. New Mailbox Do you still have that mailbox that was given to you by the state? If so, there has never been a better time to change it. Having a new mailbox is a great way to keep up with the Jones and have a fresh and unique look for your home’s exterior.

2. Better Appliances When it comes time to purchase appliances, there are always new bells and whistles to look at. This is especially true for those who haven’t upgraded their appliances in over 5 years. In 2020, lots of people are looking at upgrading their appliances and adding utility to their homes.

3. Renewable Energy If you want to save the most money possible on electrical costs, consider getting something like solar panels installed on your home. Although they are a sizeable investment upfront, they will pay for themselves eventually. This is great for people who anticipate living in their homes for longer than 15 years.

4. Standalone Showers & Bathtubs Standalone showers are popular in the homes for sale Hampstead NC with plenty of extra bathroom space. These are modern-looking showers and bathtubs that both are aesthetically-pleasing and provide a unique experience for personal hygiene in your home.

5. Eco-Friendly Electronics Eco-friendly items such as lightbulbs and other appliances are trending among the homes for sale Porter Neck Plantation. For good reason, too. Products like these can help you to save a lot of money on utilities. Especially when you add up the savings over months and years.

Thinking of Buying or Selling Property Soon? If you want to find a nice home for sale Ogden, NC or another part of the world, then Homes by Kelli is a great platform to check out. This is an online marketplace that connects sellers to buyers looking for homes exactly like yours. Be sure to check out Homes by Kelli today if you want to either buy or sell an NC home.


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